RPM Equipment Sales offers premier Automotive Engine Rebuilding Equipment including CNC Machineing Centers. Rottler MFG, AXE equipment, Kwik Way, and Van Norman are our
Engine rebuilding Equipment manufacturers.
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Mission Statement
Since 1923, Rottler Manufacturing has been devoted to designing the finest Engine Rebuilding Equipment available for the progressive performance racer and engine builder. Rottler consistently addresses the needs of today’s machine shop by looking at what tomorrow's demanding standards bring. Our dedicated team of engineers and dynamic manufacturing facility are 100% devoted to developing systems that increase the accuracy, speed, and flexibility of today’s engine builder. Rottler offers a complete product line of boring, honing, surfacing, and line boring machines that set the standard of the industry. With this dedication and long term commitment, Rottler Manufacturing excels as a leading manufacturer of innovative systems that work smarter.

AXE Equipment
It all starts with AXE Equipment. From tear down to assembly look no further than AXE Equipment. AXE Equipment has a large selection of products to help get the job done easily and quickly saving you time and money. Since 1978 we have been providing products worldwide, Contact us today and discover how easy it is to own an AXE Equipment brand product.
AXE Combination Spraywasher /Hot Tanks
It’s like having an extra employee! Load the spraywasher chamber, set the cycle, and let it do its work. Designed so that the solutions used in the spraywasher flow through a built in hot tank for additional cleaning performance. All AXE Equipment washers incorporate a heavy duty lay down door design with a roll out turntable for easy loading and unloading, plus the lay down door design allows the hot chemicals and rinse water to return to the reservoir, keeping your work area clean, dry, and safe. AXE Equipment incorporates 12 standard features on every spraywasher they build for exceptional cleaning and reliability. AXE Equipment offers 35 different models to fit most any cleaning application.

Flywheel grinding continues to be a profitable service that can generate additional sales and increase turn around in service bays. As few as 2-3 flywheels sent out per month is enough to make a payment on machine and build additional equity in your business. Van Norman flywheel grinders will provide years of trouble free service thanks to their rugged design and history of reliability. Models range from portable machines for racing teams, small footprint machines for parts stores all the way up to heavy duty machines for diesel truck shops. Stop wasting time and money by sending flywheels out the door to be surfaced. Contact us today for more information on Van Norman Flywheel Grinders.

Offering : New & Used Engine Rebuilding Equipment: Automotive Machine Shop Equipment from the top Manufactures in the Industry. Machinery that helps you work smarter and earn higher profits.CNC machinining Centers - Multi-Purpose Machining Centers, 5 Axis Cylinder Head Porting Machines, Seat and Guide Machines,Crankshaft Balancers, Head and Block Surfacers, Cylinder Boring Machines, Cylinder Honing Machines, Valve Refacers. Machinery for Race Engines, High Performance Engines, Small Engine, Motorcycle, Marine, Automotive, Light Truck, Diesel, and Stationary Engine applications.
Factory trained by : Serdi, Van Norman , Winona Van Norman, Serv -Equip, US Metal Works , AXE Equipment, Kansas Instruments, Peterson Machine Tool , Kwik Way, Rottler , Hines Industries , Stewart Warner and has sold and trained on IDL, Tobin Arp Empire, Schou, Seest, Comec, Berco, RMC and many other brand names of equipment.
Cleaning Equipment : Jet spray Washers, Aqueous Parts Washers, Baking Ovens, Thermal Cleaning systems, Airless shot blasters, Glass Bead blasters, Baking Soda Blasters are offered from the best cleaning Equipment manufactures in the business.
Flywheel Grinders : Van Norman Machine tool the first and still the best machines available.
Used Engine Rebuilding Equipment : Many of these machines were originally sold by RPM Equipment Sales so we know the history of the equipment.
We understand your business : Meeting your equipment requirements while helping you make well informed purchasing decisions are our goals.